They buzz like gnats, irritating and ruining. Their words are empty of authentic reason, the dumb usually sound authentically unreasonable. And so they do again. Ignoring has been fabulous, the air's not as hot, the ass stink is gone, sanctimony is too hard to endure for long. Same as it ever was.
The legislative chamber seemed small, shrinking into irrelevance, most everyone knows the score. Wrapped in chain link, this predictable and disappointing scene. Talking about boogie people as if boogie people were bad people. We disco here, we turn and turn, we slide. Staying alive with night fever and a brick house.
Save your coins, tip those seeking salvation. Got an ace in my hand, got the card I need, simple and clean, beats the Queen and the King. Gonna take the pot for sure, a double down is coming. Act worried, act like nothing, act mad, act excited, act depressed. Tell them what you got, they'll think you're bluffing.