Don't care about math, the numbers mean nothing anymore, what adds, divides, multiplies, and subtracts. Just meaningless envy and greed, perfectly dressed in grievance and injustice. Look around you, literally around you, most people are peaceful. And, if there is not peace, it can be found easily. If, of course, peace is desired, and peace without justice is tough because injustice is all over and has been all over and will be all over, forever. Life ain't fair the old saying goes.
Likely I missed a request or email to sign the now famous cancel cancel culture open letter, but I'm not much of a signer anyway, seems odd to me, like you're gonna pay something down the road, with interest. Signatures always make me think of money, one feeds the other. Autographs are different, it's a true honor to give one, those that charge for autographs are dopes, squirmy dopes. Capitalism at its worse.
Sure don't want to he cancelled, dang. Like, that sounds awful, like terminal, like fatal, like horrible. To be cancelled, to be put out, to be erased, eradicated to the city dump, to be tarred and feathered, to be blocked, to be muted, to be exiled, to be punked. Personal pacifism seems the way, finding peace, searching for it, demanding it, so much justice in that. Signed, jpg.