A second level ledger and utilization.
Selling power for coin bits.
The transactions always run.
No inconvienience will be allowed.
No time, no trust, no inflation.
But, the stashers! What of the stashers?
All us mortals.
The off blocks and off chains too.
Decentralization of the decentralized.
Each central to its own culture.
None identical.
Generations of evolution.
To give up the bucks.
No bills, no green, no bread.
Completely fraudless and true.
These are only the escavators.
Demolition is underway.
Next, the foundations, pipes, lines, terminals.
Then, the framing is done.
Measured and attached together.
Ready for the skin and final touches.
Make it all work under one roof.
Give up controls and manipulations.
Absolute scarcity.
If we solve for this 51%.