Blood flows through the body, filling veins with needed elements to function. Air is essential, oxygen and its big O. From trees, from all around, in the water, ice, and steam. The atmosphere is under pressure, the mounting carbons, the diminishing ozone.
Constant evolution, survival, and life. Never just a rock, that is for other places. Intelligence and souls live here. Knowledge increases over time, exponentially. The discoveries to come are indescribable, they are inevitable, they are magnificently mellow. Time has no value, the end of it marks the beginning of perpetual existence. Where linear thinking is impossible, where understanding makes us selfless, where fear has no place. It will not be here. This is merely an incubator of sorts, complete with climate control and nurses at the ready.
Learn how to play nice, boys and girls. Sit quietly and eat your snack. Walk in a straight line. Hold hands. Nap time. Get ready for pickup. Load up your backpacks. No fighting, no whining, shhhh.