See it through, into the irrelevancy slide.
Cast away, adrift and happy.
Just lost in time.
Calm the waters, clean the soul with words.
Nothing expected or sought, left to it.
Not causing a stir.
The tree's deep roots, planted long ago.
Blood is too thick, but water gets through.
More than you know.
We are safe here, in this beautiful home.
Meals are prepared, the glow is aglow.
Never alone.
Bought the farm last week, went all in.
Faith is the seed of trust, it will bloom.
Ragweeds be damned.
Poison in the plants, they give and take.
But the body is strong, it will fight to live.
To die is gain.
The watchtower crumbled, after the boom.
Alive is the world, the future is bright.
There is no doom.
Take the light road, walk by sun and moon.
Look into the reality of eyes, they don't lie.
Brown, green, or blue.