"The McKenzie Method" by jpg
...remembering the red mud days, alternately thinking of relevant details and noticing an incident in my lower spine. Nothing the McKenzie Method can't cure. The curve must be regained, the bubble needs to be deflated, been tricked into a golf game, gotta swing loose and true...what does 'fore' even mean?
"Stevie The Grit" by jpg
...grits are delicious, with butter and pepper. All americans will rediscover. Stevie The Grit, fighting off threats in each round, minding his game, bringing his heat, keeping his cool. Overcoming tricked up shots, an uptight brat, and a true brazilian mudder. The emerging cramps of the final couple of games furiously rubbed out on a changeover by an Asian wizard. Perhaps the most incredible massage ever caught on television. This allowed Stevie The Grit a chance to win the title. And he did. His serve, groovy forehand, and improved mindset the reasons. Thomaz Bellucci's inexplicable weak backhand into the net while The Grit was unable to even take a step, allowing the 3rd set tiebreaker, also contributed to the outcome. The Brazilian's surprising Romoesqe moment...
"The River Oaks Area Aside" by jpg
...the grip of Houston's perpetual traffic extends north almost to the eloquent and impressive Sam Houston statue in Huntsville. Surely he would be in distress over the condition of the city that bears his name, especially if he inspected it from a convertible. The River Oaks area aside, the city planner types should call a meeting. They should all fire each other for crimes against logic, vision, and project management...
"Ample Samples" by jpg
...Fairfield, Texas. The Cooper conglomerate of food excellence should be supported coming and going. Ample samples, friendly folks, clean. Good...