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Showing posts from June, 2016

A Big Mystery

     Kneeling near the shaded tree line.  Bout from here to there, 100 yards or so.  Frozen, hair sticking up on his neck, he made out the figure.  Some sort of animal, maybe.  Then it stood up.  It was taller than a house and ran off back through the forest.  An animal alright.  A somewhat human looking giant animal.  That was the first time it was seen by this native of the area.  Evidently, a camera or phone was not available.      It was the next encounter that left a huge impression and validated the first as authentic.  He told of a sprint across the highway.  The road to Gallup, NM.  Then it glided gracefully over fences, smooth as butter and fast.  His cousin saw this too.  Amazed.  It all happened really quick.  No time to snap a photo.  These are incredible things to see, shocking things to see.  Taking a photo was only a minor thought.  He spoke of hi...

Dirty Cloud

that UFO covered up by a dirty cloud. been hovering all night. moves during the day. the windows tinted dark green. angels and flying Vs. flimsy proof of an abduction. three dots that quiver. and a loss of time. the one had long yellow hair. down to her feet. she wore flowing garments. knew she was a woman right off. these stories were vivid. each with a another story to tell as well. I realized this only later. I listened literally. they move in erratic movements. they camouflage invisibly to most. look up and have no fear. we are most certainly the aliens.

Young Spirit, Old Soul

Young spirit, old soul. The ability and willingness to evolve. Away from present knowledge, into the future. A long time from now. And forever.

Huff Is Tough

         Arriving at the courts, moonroof open, my radio was jacked up high.  Blaring Frank Zappa, loud cosmic riffs, singing about how his guitar is going to kill somebody.  He truly was a legitimate guitar god, one of the first who has held that lofty reference.  Drove slow past the check in table so I could stare down some opponents.  Spotted Keck, the tournament administrator, who had roddicked two days before.  'Injuries happen' was his attitude.  He communicated the roddick to the group and got a replacement player. This is proper Isner Scoring Method ethic.  To be clear, it is not dishonorable to roddick, not usually, but there is no honor in bailing unannounced, leaving the group in a bind.  Keck would never do that.  His wrist was not healed, further damage was being avoided.  His body would heal itself, eventually.  Then, as we all know, it's something else.  A knee, a plantar fascia tendon, ...

Crusty Lips: Jingle Hut

Ain't no kiss. Ain't no kiss. Ain't no kiss with those crusty lips. Carmex saves. Carmex saves. Carmex saves em from the sun rays. Ain't no kiss. Ain't no kiss. Ain't no kiss with those crusty lips.

With Conditioning Machines

eaex8 cgdx2 .sit right down and listen up. .it ain't the heat. .or the ozone alerts. .or nothing like that. .it is for practical purposes, like all things that are worthy and unworthy. .reason is involved. .logical and sound. .pools of water on the perimeter. .spider and mosquito nests. .the spray only eliminates the weak. .the strong ones live on. .the real thirsty. .the mornings are our only refuge. .and this is night. .confined and controllable spaces. .with conditioning machines. .with music and games. .begin with the end in mind. .i can feel it clearly.

Executive Notes: #1

         This assignment of a watershed.  When things changed.  When there was a before and after.  Clear and distinct.  There are many.  Degrees, even.  Some minor, some major, the culmination of what we are and where we are now.  And so much more, our impact on others.  Our involvement in their wastersheds.  The majors and the minors, much of it unknown.  Random circumstances or intentional associations, controlled by some external superior power with intentions all their own?  These wastersheds are real.  Some leaky, some broken.  Most important to consider and know, but some important to forget.  The past is only a part of your life, it is less important than the future.      Settlement is taken for granted.  Only when it is stripped is it realized.  Misinterpreted as security early on, only now is it understood as a natural longing.  It is not a crisis, it ...

Already Cracked

Coming from nowhere. Out of the black. Surprise attack. Surprise attack. Left with an empty stare. Already cracked. Surprise attack. Surprise attack. Tradgedies are tragic. Tears falling faster. Faster and faster. Faster and faster. Love works like magic. Direct from the master. Faster and faster. Faster and faster. Mix up some cocktails. Start up some tunes. In the soundroom. In the soundroom. Birds land on rails. Plug em in soon. In the soundroom. In the soundroom.

A Game Of Slush

.don't own a gun. .hun. .but I told my daughter to tell her boyfriend that I sleep next to a heavy metal pipe. .just to be clear. .had to sing him hog killing weather. .just to be clear. .dear. .pick out 5 fat ones. .the air is getting cold. .rent some freezer space in town. .frown. .break away from this noise. .see it for what it is. .liz. .a game of slush. .the funds ready to wire. .bought the hook. .crooks.

High Class Dinners

GCG D7CG Showing up late, showing at all, walk in unison, down the hall. Work is done through words and deeds, body and blood brings em all to their knees. Water does its thing like its always done, flooding the world, announcing the Son. Streets are paved with the already saved. All day sinners eating high class dinners. The hero don't live here anymore. Shake it all loose give one more run, drive to the sands for some summer fun. Shut the doors and make some noise, out of our minds with the beastie boys. Fight for your right to get your delights, travel the world to find the light. (chorus) One of these nights in a purple haze, picking out tunes for the big parade. All we'll find on either side are plastic people living plastic lives. I like dirt, and i like mud, like to remember we're all in love.

Temporary Hassles

.growing old is just getting closer to living forever.  .these breakdowns and breakups don't mean nothing.  .temporary hassles and ruckuses.  .flipped on the lid.  .for really good reasons.  .but no excuse is good enough.  .excuses are pathetic anyways.  .reasons, however, they are always there.  .why in the world is right.  .goodness gracious is all to say.  .respect of time and space.  .the ways and means are mean indeed.  .stepped carefully into the future.  .awake and aware.  .compromising on the truth is unthinkable.  .ludicrois and easy.