those days are remembered well.
praying the rain would stop.
school was out of the question.
paper plate super server award.
brown collegiate brick walls.
then the magic rug was pulled out.
inside the loop with wild characters.
dust storm finals and windburned lips.
continued throughout time in the west.
the good life of club sandwiches and lights.
backboard on the back court, no one around.
any degree was fine, with the pool cool down.
the days of lions and letters.
temper tantrums and destroyed equipment.
triumphant and humbled every week.
the latest and the greatest things of now.
whatever it took to play to midnight.
junebugs and mosquitos continue the fight.
the ladies arrived with eyes and legs.
respectable newspaper clippings and notes.
glory limited by limitations and priorities.
decorated to a reasonable degree.
understood a future on the links.
intermittent matches with aging bores.
the babies and the jobs and the dead flowers.
no time for rallies and volleys.
the classics, Hemingway and Kerouac.
the evening nights by the Goodyear.
fence clanks and commitments.
terminology and pong.
literary documentation and kaizen.
superior methods of thought and execution.
macho burger, the prison workout, and lights out.
the epic war lasted for days.
at 70 it finally ended, both wrecked.
inspiration of the ages.
baseline dirt and cleanly mowed grass.
dignitaries all around and fidgeting.
the traditional white of the men and women.
this place is full of green grace.
jackets and hats of the highest quality.
the Earl of Nantucket is arriving.