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Texico Days: Act I

Song #1:  Dented Landscape

The scene is J. T. Barnes' residence in remote West Texas in the weeks after Texas partnered with the Mexicans to defeat the cartels.  This was after Washington's apathy and inaction towards these brutal organizations became unacceptable to the Texans and after Texas declared their independence once again.  The matter was working it's way through the U.S. court system, but Texas was moving forward as a nation regardless.  Present are J.T.'s inner circle, L. Dean Fitzgerald, Elias T. Woods, Mitchell C. Parrish, Maggie Graham, and a three person Mexican contingent led by Mexican Embajador to Texas Fran Del Corona.  The house is built over a cliff and looks out over tremendous valley scenes.  Evidence of oil production, wind mills, and cattle ranching can be seen in the distance.  Most are seated around a large patio table, with J.T walking and pacing and Mitchell standing off to the side, out of the sun, leaning against a wall.  L. Dean emerges from the band after the opening number.  The other band members grab a beer and hang out in the back ground.  They are discussing the recent destruction of the Mexican cartels and what comes next ....

(The Mexican contingent arrives on the patio and the greeting is very jubilant. )

Fran:  Amigos!  And hermoso senorita, of course.  (looking over to the now-standing Maggie)  Please allow me to introduce my friends.  Ernesto Jimenez Ramos, the newly appointed Asistente Embajador to Texas, and Gabriela Baez Avina.  Guess you could say she represents Mexican business interests.  Gabby, that about cover it?

Gabby:    Ahh, yes Fran.  Let's just say, I'm trusted to make some important decisions on behalf of the entire Mexican business community.  Mostly, we want to express our gratitude for our partnership and look to the future with great optimism.  Our priorities seem aligned and a deepening partnership between our countries seems almost inevitable.

L. Dean:  (almost singing) We stand as Texicans, together all along.

Barnes:  Don't get ahead of ourselves L. Dean.

Fran:  (laughing)  El Dean Fitzgerald.  You got it all worked out don't you?

L. Dean:  It's all in the songs folks.  Great to see you Fran.  (a brotherly hug)

Gabby:  Lets make sure we're all singing the same tune.  Ahhh, the famous El Dean Fitzgerald.  Nice to meet you senor.

L Dean:  The pleasure is all mine ma'am.  Yall are just in time for a red Texas sunset.  You dressed for the occasion. (as he feels the red silk scarf draped over her head and around her neck).

Gabby:  Texans, so proud of their setting sun.  Like it never sets anywhere else.

L. Dean:  It's a bad habit, I know.

Gabby:  Pride can be forgiven.  Oh, it is beautiful.  (an extended, silent look to the setting sun by all)  Truth is, we admire your pride.  It is the central trait of true competitors.  And business is competition.

Fran:  Yes, without the Mexican businesses having to pay off the cartels, they'll have more money for expansion, research, and development.  This is where our interests start to either collide or come together.  The Americans have made their feelings known.  They are grateful the cartels are gone, but want to dictate to us.  They are obsessed with their own interests, and have no idea about what to do about you renegade Texans.

Barnes:  What a surprise.  There is nothing to do.  The do has done been done.  We did it.  The Americans never have a plan.  For anything.

L. Dean:  The Texico Plan.

Ernesto:  The Texico Plan?

Elias:  A new way forward.  Or an old way forward, rather.  Sam Houston's plan.  Hell, Santa Anna's plan too.  Texas and Mexico together at last.  In peace, not war.  For the benefit of the people who live in the nation, not for the benefit of the people running the nation.

Mitch:  The Americans have institutionalized bribery.  They call it lobbying and it's a respected profession in Washington D. C.  This for that.  Votes, money, government contracts, its all greased.

Elias:  The primary job of an elected official in America is to get re-elected.

Fran:  The grease doesn't stop within it's own boarders.

Gabby:  That is the truth and a primary reason the Mexican business community seeks new partners.  We don't want to have to pay off the cartels or the Americans.

L.  Dean:  The Texico Plan removes a large source of this American grease.  Legislators and legislative bodies.  This branch of government is a relic in democratic systems of the future.  Technology has removed the need for a representative approach.  The public legislates.  Directly.

Barnes:  L. Dean, save that for later.  Let's make our guests welcome.  Plenty of time to hear you and Elias out.  You know i like it, but the sun is down now, work is over.  Margaritas and Cervezas all around!  We got some steaks cooking and some wild hog too.

Maggie:  Wild hog?

Barnes:  You'll love it girl, a west Texas specialty.  Just the backstraps.  The rest is sausage.

L. Dean:  Kinda gamey really.  Unless you get a young one.

Barnes:  The marinade takes care of it.  These soaked all night.  We're smoking it low and slow.

Maggie:  We're having salad too, right?

Barnes:  And caviar, Miss Graham.  Wine too.

Gabby:  Gracias a Dios.

Barnes:  L. Dean, let's hear some music.  Someone hit the lights!  We are finally free.  Gone to Texas.  Gone to Mexico.  Gone to Texico!

A festive scene plays out.  The band reassembles and music begins playing...

Song #2:  Sugarcane



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