Outspiration. Victim of this world.
Outspiration. Set the bar just high enough.
Outspiration. Think of yourself first.
Outspiration. Credit where it is not due.
Outspiration. Undone and unaccomplished.
Outspiration. Nothing is next.
Outspiration. Let's get this straight.
Outspiration. Conformity defined.
Outspiration. Suburb mentality.
Outspiration. Live for yesterday.
Outspiration. Self absorption.
Outspiration. Dead is dead.
Outspiration. Dirty windows.
Outspiration. Words of caution.
Outspiration. Run out the clock.
Outspiration. Sulking on the sidelines.
Outspiration. No salt or pepper.
Outspiration. 105 degrees.
Outspiration. Memos of declaration.
Outspiration. Political parties.
Outspiration. The good ole days.
Outspiration. Chain of command.
Outspiration. The inner circle.
Outspiration. Pitiful faces.
Outspiration. The speed limit.
Outspiration. Morality judges.
Outspiration. Saved by works.