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Texico (Draft): The Second Louisiana Purchase

     A provision to provide a needed balance in the initial population of Texico was evident from the start.  The solution led to the 'Gone To Texico' campaign.  As part of the agreement to combine the legal nation of Texas with the nation of Mexico, a four year timeline was laid out stipulating the manuevers, needed negotiations, compromises, and agreements to officially create the nation of Texico.  The Texico Papers, written by L. Dean Fitzgerald and published several years before, had clearly indicated that private land ownership was extremely important to the development of a truly great nation.  'Gone to Texico' was the marketing effort to influence americans, canadiens, africans, europeans, egyptians, indians, japanese, australians, vikings, chinese, cubans, or eskimos to buy land and move to Texas during the four year timeline, beginning in 2018.  Despite Washington's continuous legal interventions and delay tactics, the courts had spoken and Texas was legally a country.  Due to the very low taxes on income and goods, the economy thrived and the Texas and Mexico business bonds grew strong in the pre-Texico days.  
     The greatest suburb builders in the history of the world, the mexicans, were building homes, businesses, and cities from Athens to Archer City.  In a sign of the times, the United States sold Lousiana to Texas in 2020 so it could actually keep the american government open.  Louisiana, long neglected and ridiculed, was too expensive to keep in the Union.  Texas paid $1 Trillion dollers and in return got New Orleans and courtroom peace from the Americans.  The revolution was over.  The cajuns gladly went along, our frenchmen and mudwomen of the swamps.  The gator hunters and juke joint jazz queens.  Down to 48 states and half the gulf of Mexico.  Andrew Jackson was turning in the dirt.  The Second Louisiana Purchase was sure to be a part of Texico lore.  By 2022, when the nation of Texico came to be, the Mexican population was 200 million, swelled by central and south american immigration, and Texas had grown to 215 million.  The encouraged combination of all cultures led to an acceptance of diversity, starlets of all shapes and sizes, and electric-neon-lighted Texico nights.  No bordertowns existed, although the Red River had to be reinforced at times due to frequent Okie annexation uprisings and everything possible was done in Baja to prevent the Californian from unknowingly entering Tijuana.                

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