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Texico (Draft): The Texico Papers

There are many founding documents that are important to the Texico balance of individual liberty and governmental controls.  Mainly, these guiding documents are meant to encourage economic success for the citizens of Texico while maintaining the international relationships critical for relative world-wide peace.  The most important and enduring document is The Texico Papers.  Penned in 2013 by L. Dean Fitzgerald and Elias T. Woods, it's adoption and protection laid the foundation for the rapid rise of Texico's revolutionary economic and social cultures.

The Texico Papers
dated july 4th, 2013

1.  Land Ownership.  The owner of any real estate has sole desicion-making over what is lawfully produced on or from the land or any structure fixed to the land.

2.  Federal Taxes.  The Texico federal government is entitled to 1% of all private revenue.

3.  Defense.  The Texico federal government will maintain a comprehensive elite force to proactively protect country and interests.  This is solely the responsibility of the Executive Branch.

4.  Private Business.  Is actively encouraged. 

5.  Estados.  The Estados of Brazos, Trinity, Galveston, Pecos, Ogallala, Lousiana, Delta, Yucatan, Chihuahua, Baja, Tabasco, Veracruz, and Mexico are the governing entities.  The elected Senador of the estado maintains sufficient staff to enforce criminal law.  Senadors are elected by popular vote every 6 years for a maximum of one term.  In addition, the offices of  President, Vice President, and Attorney General of Texico are determined by the popular vote of each Senador, every 3 years, for a maximum of two terms.  The Secretarys of Defense, Truth, and State will be appointed by the President.  Texico shall always have an odd number of estados to prevent ties.

6.  The Truth of the Apostle's Creed.  True until proven wrong.

7.  Branches of Federal Government.  The two established branches of the Federal Government are the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch.  Pure democracy in the form of popular vote will determine all legislative decisions including, but not limited to, passing laws, reversing laws, approving budgets, approving judicial nominees, and impeachment.  Legislative voting will occur twice a year for a period of 48 hours each season.  Early spring, early fall.  The Executive Branch includes the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, Attorney General, and Secretary of Truth.  Primary functions are promoting economic success for Texico and it's citizens, leading an efficient and elite military, appointing judges, budgeting national revenue, national sports teams, and enforcement of laws.  Budget is 1% of all private revenue.  The are 3 levels of Judges for federal matters, all appointed by the President of Texico and approved by a popular vote of the citizens of Texico.  The first level are Arbitrars, the second level are Magistrates, and the final level is a 5-Judge Forum.  All judges are eligible to serve for 12 total years and any judge may be impeached by a 2/3 popular vote of the citizens of Texico. 

8.  Voting.  All voting is done in via the internet and the lone shared responsibily of the Executive and Judicial branches is to establish an all-inclusive, secure, voting process.

9.  Personal Protection.  The right to responsibly own a gun is undeniable and everlasting.

10.  Sports.  Texico will maintain an active and competitive national sports program aligned with current Olympic sports events. 


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