The hate must be channeled, it's the best way to move it out. Like a river to the sea, like smoke to the atmosphere, like migrating birds, in a way. Go south, go north, down the topography, through the geography, 'til it stops. Anger is an awful state, it should be simmered down, covered, and cooled. To be disrespected like that is rough. Lied to, made a fool, duped, dinked, and dumped. Their heroes skipped out, lawyered up, and got shut down. The meat chopping is going well. Saw it to the bone, like draining the lakes for a clean up operation. Drudging, I think it's called. Never dug something so much, the squeaks of the robbers, the squeals of the lulled, the drones of the superiors. The positions they take are farces, rooted in shame or envy, or both. The whole city is a failure, of course. To let this happen. To let this occur.