The Great Wake 97: Enemies Of Saying


The enemies of saying are all around.  The offended, the frail, the waxy ears of hearing.  The burnt eyes of the uncomfortable, the truth hurts to read and see.  Even grey area is too much, the enemies of saying have no nuance, no understanding, they have below average grey matter. Their skin is sensitive and paper thin.

But it's all fine, time will tick anyway, this thing doesn't go on forever.  Talk yourself out, but save some for later.  There is much we don't know, our intelligence is miniscule.  Discovery is finding out, like archeology, it was there all along.  Inventions, too.

Ultimately, we know the end is near, but we know nothing about it.  Thank God for faith and hope, otherwise, shutter the thought.  Give up, worry no longer.  It's the most destructive state of mind, with it's sleeplessness and doom. Jus' saying.

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