As a one issue voter, Erwin Park must remain whole. Loopholes, kickbacks, and wink winks aside, this is an essential municipal necessity. Creekfront, Lakefront, Northside, Southside, The Jungle. All of it. Nothing we can do about the bulldozed century old trees. Happenings must be made transparent. What, why, and what happens now? Elections matter, the yard signs, the street signs, the suburban corners of red, white, and blue signs. A captive audience. The winners are our leaders, they are the city. Run with it, know all about it, build upon the builders of the past. Wheel, deal, make it real. Parking garages, custom houses, acres and acres of land. Carve it up, wish you good luck, make some money if you can. Wolves will howl, dogs will bark, keep your hands off Erwin Park.