Who are these lawyers? The ones that find documents, like paper matters anymore, like we're hillbillies out here, riding on cantaloupe trucks, with toothpicks and shoe holes. Digital copies, virtual copies, meta copies, get on with it, leak away. Screenprint if you must, save the glow forever. These lawyers are takers and on-the-takers, these lawyers are the actual grease.
So much cannot be known, but they found those 11 pages, or so. Applied to the Theory Of So, so what's next? Things we can say and not say, things we can infer and not infer, taboo is the new taboo. Daughter of Elvis, ex wife of Michael Jackson, a true Queen. Poor girl was roughly my age, too early, too early for cardiac arrest.
The toes and fingers must be felt, get that hot blood melt. Knock out the knots, no room for clots, cycle through, cycle through. One more time, 'til your brain's been drowned, upside down, swish it around. Invert the story, see it from the other ridge, the other high ground. Who are these lawyers?