I write this chapter as therapy, as a pill, as a meditation, as a prescription, as a minor lobotomy. Survival mode is only encountered a few times in a lifetime; possible scenarios, impossible scenarios, contingencies, mood manipulation, water, food, shelter, energy. Prayer. Usually, it's encountered alone. Many times it's a result of your own mistakes, your own stubbornness and stupidity, your unawareness, but none of that mattered as I sat stranded in my car on eastbound Interstate 20 west of Weatherford, Texas, helpless, as 18wheeler after 18wheeler jack knifed trying to get up the hills on ice. It was 24 degrees. The day before I was in 80 degrees, playing golf on the border at Lajitas, now this. I pulled up on the rough stretch of highway around 5 in the afternoon, the previous 6 hours in the car flew by, I left the El Viejo Adobe in Alpine around 11am, north to Monahans on State1776-- Revolution Road, then picking up I-20, back to the ea...