Most condemn rioting, of course. And most call B.S. on looting, no doubt. Targeted assassinations of peace officers is universally rejected by most, without question. Seems most have come to a level of agreement, something most can peacefully protest together. Screw the few.
This Kay girl must be really rich. Not sure what 401 means, but evidently she's worth trillions upon trillions. There's old rumors about her hula hoops or tax loops, something or the other. Details escape me, but there was scandalous infidelity and betrayal involved. If you see Kay, tell her I need her, if you see Kay, tell her I'll be here.
Mojo can never be taken, ever. It's only given away or abandoned. Reluctantly, unwillingly, knowing of the oldness to come, conscious of what it all means, but fine with it, inclined to it, realism of days and time and night. Let it rot in the road, for nothing rots in vain, Mojo will find another ride. Take a look around, see which way the wind blows.