Temperature started to rise. Long cool woman ran for cover. 5'9 or so, running tall. In a black dress. She had it all. Clouds are created by specific conditions that involve the climate of the air. Therefore, controlling the temperature enables weather intention. The rain to drink, the snow to ski, the perfect to inpire, the treacherous to overcome. The droughts, deserts, places like death valley. The tropics with their hammocks and drinks. The mountains with their scenes and smells. The cities with their neon streets and glass. The towns, low and slow.
But there is desolation, despondency, and doom, still. For those who lack faith or hope. And faith is in abundant supply, unlimited and there for the taking. Like many things, it is mysterious, but it is surely not of our own making. It is proof the operation is peaceful, its existence is to allow for our temporary life. For unknown reasons. Prior to eternity, when time is involved.
Free will is unavoidable, we are animals for now. Instincts ingrained in the brain, along with morality. What's right and what's just wrong, wrong, wrong. Then fate occurs, and outcomes are experienced.
Hot steam rises in illuminated billows above the late afternoon fronts. The pressures are released.