Mined From Our Minds

Logistics, supplies, get to it, get to it.  Make sure everyone knows what to do, when to act, how to endure.  This is the hard part, the rest is execution, and execution is easy if we make it easy. 

Go for the automatic, the make-it-so.  Then, go and make it so.  Be the hero of Rio de Janeiro. 

Circumstances aside, and not much time on my side, whatever I hide, I hide.  Done lied, done tried, then lied some more. 

Ignored the Lord, closed my own doors.  Of course, in due course, we voice our choice and nature keeps time. 

The subtle lines, the crazy times.  The rhymes we mined from our minds.  And each line ends with a pop. 

Just stop and tie a slipknot, cause all we got is not going to be enough. 

This is tough stuff.  Really rough, and we must, despite the fuss, learn to trust.

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