dancing with emotions, from within, but always inspired from without. what we let in, what we don't reflect or deflect. what we allow, what we don't ignore. what's worthy of our emotions. a sunrise, it's colors and awaking like a morning print, unique and fleeting. wind, cool and cleansing, fresh and noisy. family, miracles that endure the ugly, people who make the blood circulate. others, homies, few friends, several acquaintances, a number of associations. injustice, the elitist and all their justifications and scams, all their schemes. peace, it's in the stars, the heart, the lungs, the mind, and creation. movement, physiologically, the body must go, it's built to go, if it can, til it stops. pain, the ouch, the woes, the oh no's, the mental lingering, the desperation. information, it feeds the curiosity, it pacifies the determined, it fills the gaps. the future, with its inevitability, and sure progress, life gets better and better. mus...