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Some Dude Named Amos Project Plan (2018)

Players committed, songs selected, here is the project plan for Some Dude Named Amos' unnamed debut.

1.  Into The Mystic--Van Morrison
2.  Jive Talkin'--BeeGees
3.  Sundown--Gordon Lightfoot
4.  Amie--Pure Prarie League
5.  Do It Again--Steely Dan

Session 1:  Initial Jam.

Players gather, the project plan is discussed and altered as appropriate so expectations are clear.  An initial jam of 20 minutes for each song.  Debrief, discussing arrangements, vocal assignments, instrumentation.  No recordings.

9.10.18 update:  

5 players showed.  Matt The Bassist, JD, Neme, Chad, and I.  Amie is out.  On the lookout for fifth song.  Warren Zevon has been mentioned.  Perhaps, but no Werewolves In London.  Maybe Ooh La La by the Faces.  The other songs are a go.  Will tighten arrangements, minimize space.  Crisp and out.  For the recordings.  Chad working out the Jive Talkin' guitar solo.  I'm on shaker.  JD will provide only vocals on Do It Again.  Sundown sounds great, mandolin needed.  Will shorten, maybe add our own lyrics towards the end.  Gordon Lightfoot would be honored.  Into The Mystic is a jewel.  Good vibe, confident the Some Dude Named Amos project will be successful.  Working title is now Covered Up.

9.22.18 update:  

Much has happened, the picture is starting to appear as desicions are made and music is internalized, alone, by all the players.  Ooh La La has been selected as the replacement for Amie, Matt The Bassist established as the lead vocalist.  The chorus should be a literal chorus, all of us wishing we knew what we know now when we were younger.  And stronger.  Sparse guitars, mandolin perhaps, shakers.  Into The Mystic vocals claimed by me, got a floating, slowed done, clean version.  Like way back in the days of old.  Jive Talkin' should be quick, with Chad's tight solo featured throughout.  JD with high harmony wails throughout.  Matt The Bassist hits the bassline big time.  Disco Punk.  Quick, and all in on guitars.  Do It Again will feature JD on lead lyrics and Neme will be counted on heavily to pull off the 'back jack' riff.   Sundown will be the highlight of the project in my estimation.  The E must be highlighted throughout and very important not to get behind on the lyrics.  Likely a sing along.  Logos being considered, FAYM has been invoked.  Draft recordings in two days.  Must finalize arrangements.  Will exercise producing duties.  

Session 2:  Draft Recordings.

Each song played and recorded 3 times.  Best versions sent to group for feedback, appropriate alterations, and further practice.

10.27.18 update:

The session went even better than expected, and it was expected to go very well.  Practice does payoff and Into The Mystic was proof.  It was the first song we draft recorded.  Drafts are recorded twice.  Roughly 80% of the time the 2nd recording will be superior.  Repetition begets confidence and confidence begets excellence.  Do it Again featured JD coming off the guitar and focusing on vocals.  My shaker work and Neme's important lead fit nicely as we went back Jack and did it again.  Jive Talkin' was taken over by Matt The Bassist.  Start, middle, and end.  Again, JD's vocal work gave it distinction.  High wails.  Still hoping for some Chad on this song, but my personal song choice indulgement is on track.  Sundown may be our best collective effort.  Neme's high harmony will come up in the final version, and as a general statement, his guitar work needs more volume throughout the final session. This is critical, his tasteful work is so tasteful.  Ooh La La, our bastard child, our 6th pick, Amie's replacement, is the enigma.  Two versions and arrangements being considered.  JD is being counted on heavily for rhythym guitar.  There is no bass.  Matt's incredible voice is not fully tamed, but almost.  Clear articulation and execution of the lyrics is a must.  Ditch the unneeded 'ands' in the verses and must be perfect on the chorus.  Likely, Matt will take the verses solo, and the chorus will feature our unique brand of intentional imperfect dueting.  Ooh La La!  The food was appreciated (cool that Luke left us 3 wings), Chad was missed, the drafts are encouraging, adjustments have been identified.  Sundown will be the 5th song.  Into The Mystic should open, just seems like the beginning of something, not the end.  Jive and Do It Again need to be split by Ooh La La.  It is all coming together.  Although, pre-release in Spur, Tx on track for October 12th, details of official Release Party TBA.  Just too early.

Session 3:  Final Recordings.

Each song played and recorded 3 times.
Best versions selected by Producer and Some Dude Named Amos.  Project released internationally on Soundcloud by Eldorado Suitcase Records.

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