The dim lits, not needing much to see forward. Conceding the developments to inevitability, searching for the way through. This is not just a ride going round and round while spinning. Dizzy. Nothing is repeated in the same space. Unoccured time is the only true frontier. Even the oceans have been scanned. Space is known. The poles. To explore the future is to anticipate. Technology, culture, relationships, and nature. Each impacting the other, minimal autonomy.
Technology must be freed.
Late adopters are late.
There is little to gain.
The fear of it should be overcome.
Culture is our known existence.
Music, styles, priorities.
Demographics and insecurities.
The art of it all.
Relationships light the minds.
Individuals electrify each other.
Sharing the emotions of life.
Security, affection, envy.
Nature is a constant reminder.
Its beauty, its noises, its age.
Everything without thought.
Perfectly inconsiderate.
The futurists talk of trends and business and politics and other trivial things. Predicting for money. Like a fortune teller or tarot card reader or some other mystic. Candles burning everywhere, made up like clowns, suckering and shaking. Open your own eyes. Cause and effect. Explore.