These strings are attached. They are the only thing keeping this house of cards standing. Flimsy relationships and sabotage, breaker one nines with radio checks. Dreads and woes. Mistaken identities and hacker nerds. Details upon details. Crooked cops and rambling tragedies, silenced by the dirt. Chatterers, shatterers, and climbing the ladderers. Crusaders of justice, the worst of all, justifying their own crimes with self-righteous smugs. The servants are quietly among them, watching and waiting meekly. They will inherit this earth.
The secrets of Highland Park. Even the rich get old and wither. Shine on that cool wind. There is almost no one to trust, almost no one with good intentions. Most are preoccupied, fearing the unveiling of their daily truth. Their regrets, their envys, their desires. Unspoken, bound tight, kept. Left honoring the past, cynical about the present, and dismissive of the future. Almost no true friends. Look for the lights, seek the givers, love the forgivers.
Blow a kiss over to the Chamber of Commerce. They will grease it good. Tax breaks, insider insiders, nights on the town, get the rocks off. Just an interested observer's take. Like a trader's market, where scores are tallied and cash is stacked. A traditional approach, a smoky back room. Time is about negotiation, the reason the wheels move slow. Less of a hit, more of a drag. Less of a shot, more of a sip. Wait it out to get paid out. Hold it up to get loaded up. Shake it down for the get down. Reel them in for the fix is in.
She is running with her plan. It is the priority situation, anyone could be played, paid, made, saved, or laid. Drown the guilt in the holy sea and let the water of earth take the blame, forever the essential element. Double the hydrogen to oxygen and you got ice, steam, and water. Slick, hot, and clean. The reality of H2O's importance is obvious and beyond discussion. Go with the ivory dress for sure, it is pure and elegant. You will radiate and glow. Like a light.