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Showing posts from May, 2017

The Punks And The Monks

FC GFC x2 Floating on my back, saw it clear as day. Coming right towards us, right through the sun rays. Already knew we would never never sink. The truth is the truth no matter what we think. FFCGC CG FFCGC CCGFC Nantucket, Nantucket, we ride, ride, ride. All the way to the U.K. just to give em five. The punks and the monks come together and fight. Nantucket, Nantucket, we ride, ride, ride. Sails were lifted high as I looked to the sky. Filled with the wind, the boat was in flight. Thinking back, there was wings coming out. Listened real close, there was songs and shouts. Nantucket, Nantucket, we float, float, float. All day and night we live our lives upon this boat. We'll float until we find the land of Spacefolk. Nantucket, Nantucket, we float, float , float.

Rhythms Of Speed Racers

...Like a dash.  Too fast for proper photographic documentation.  They were gone, down Virginia and back up Louisiana by way of Hunt Street.  Full out east back to the square to loop around the old courthouse on Tennessee Street, then quickly back west on Virginia again.  Over and over, lungs working with the bikes in rhythms of speed racers.  White fences marked the track, hay bales on the turns and corners, a few treacherous brick surfaces.  The Benji house, old Dr. McCarley's, where front teeth destruction was fixed over three decades ago.  After a Spree scotter wreck.  Holy moly, those teeth were gone.  Happy gas and novocaine.  Like some Lone Star wine.  The young will always catch the old, they are not discouraged, they know they will get better, they are motivated by it.  Always, eventually...

The Sledgehammer Is A Demolition Tool

Obvious propaganda will never work. Intentions of headlines and energizing prosecutors. Spitting on the cameras and stuttering uncontrollably. Glee at the misfortunes of others. Juvenile humor of the unfunny kind. No Gonzo at all. Officials, sources, insiders, investigators. Never any names. Just they. The post, the peacock, the times. Breaking absolutely nothing. Confusing themselves. Most others are aware of their lunacy. Panic disquised as intelligence. The world continues to spin. The music still plays. Seasons. The sledgehammer is a demolition tool. Destruction of the old so the new can glow. Noise and chaos so peace can eventually thrive. Tough to be a true pacifist.

The Spirit Will Be

Tie up those laces. Don't wanna trip. Let the professionals take over. With the thoughts and plans. Line up in a line. And walk like we walk. Listen up and hear the word. To hear is to know. As to see is to know. And to feel is to know. Then the thinking takes over. The what we gonna do's. And the messes. The confidence shakers. Doubt. Discouragers all around. Give ups and quitters. Small. Inactive brain activity. The body must be used. Maintenance is not enough. Wherever there is light. Wherever there is truth. The spirit will be. On your mark. Get set. Go.

The Daughter Club

rifts of unknown origins. somewhat of a separation. lookout duty on the wall. up high so threats can be seen. the daughter club is exclusive. all the protection involved. soaring high is the way to go. once their wings get strong. lean in close to hear the truth. "know that men are wild-eyed. be leery of their conclusions. they are dumber than you."

Bootloop Blues

FC FC GC here I am again, no phone in my hand. techie man said got an expired plan. got an expired plan. they already knew, was a known issue. all over the news, the class action lawsuit. wanna join the class action lawsuit. G C G FGC bootloop comes in the middle of the night. jamming your startup with loops and knives. no way to glowface proper and right. the bootloop blues got me ready to fight. can mail my lg to another country. fix the wiring, send it back, all for free. this is all for free. that is not the plan, have other demands. what I demand is a new phone in my hand. new phone in my hand. finally went in, not ready to bend. agent said 'man, you got a grandfathered plan. got a grandfathered plan. made the switch, didn't even have to bitch. now they can pitch the bootloop in the ditch. the bootloop's in the ditch.

A Twinkle Blinds The Cameraman

of all the predictable events, this was the most easily predicted. the irritation and annoyance was unmasked and seething. time had slipped and anxiety was having its effect on tempers. uninvited and discouraged, the revenge of the provoked. beauty is evident when it exists within the soul, like magnets. searching for the attraction of smiles and caring curiosity. compassion and passion all the same, although moods sway. to the virtual page a confession is confessed, bowed and wrapped. sad eyes lighten up a bit and a twinkle blinds the cameraman. get your three forks and lift them all up, stab the eyes of envy. relaxation is only a thought and state of mind followed by rest. the queen is uptight, perhaps it's best to remain at home.

According To The Scottish And Others

the parking spot that wasn't. a smooth Dallas midday drive. to the Anatole. for listening to speakers. and lunch. packed with suits and ties and nametags. a greet the meeters and shakers. on time, as always. jazz quartet playing popping sounds. blowing cool and sharp notes. to be expected from the mean green. hallways of our past. one of the greatest Texans ever. according to the Scottish and others. a benevolent and insistent man. the host. scholarships and endowments and pledges and commitments. god blessed the money people. so they would bless others. some do. the discussion, blunt and authentic. there is a time and a place for cussing. very effective way to start a speech. the don is 'bat shit crazy' tax cuts must be done! the russian thing is bullshit. politeness is almost always the best approach. until it isn't the best approach. then bluntness is required. not nervous or shaky. but obvious, funny obvious. he knows whoever and them...

Songs Of MFN Greatest Hits Vol. 2

**Blue As The Sea Of Cortez dcg Blue as the Sea of Cortez. cg Her eyes melt in the light. Do everything she says. She makes it worth my while. We fill our lives with gods. Goddess lovers too. Taste all the earthy joys. Wanna do it with you. cdcgx2 The ships they disappeared, on the horizon line. Her lips they had no fear, as I looked into her eyes, they were... Blue as the Sea of Cortez. Her eyes melt in the light. Do everything she says. She makes it worth my while. Through the gates we're led. Been walking desert miles. Suffered and hurt and bled. Once cried all through the night. Blue as the Sea of Cortez. Her eyes melt in the light. Do everything she says. She makes everything alright. **Chosen By The Voters .you're the sweetest queen that I ever seen, make the world seem nice and clean, make people everywhere dance and sing, I know who you are. .all afternoon you powder and puff, making millions of bucks but it ain't enough, make...

Withers Away

Withers away, the garden. Shine on that cool wind. Natures of good intentions. The ones of true friends. All the time, wasted. Considering the next move. Take your steps quickly. My darlings, just choose. Tomorrow, its worries. Like an out of time beat. Like a wandering fool. All somber and bleak. The souls, the faces. Come into the bright lights. Show off your beauty. Gonna all be alright. AmF GC AmF CG

Glowdope Is Real

...entitled to lead, watch the myths.  patience.  glowdope is real.  instant gratification is significant.  the most patient, most hopeful, most impactful, most self confident believe.  joy can be constant.  everybody is dealt a bad hand, its how you play it that matters.  find the fun.  what you like to do.  do it.  quit chasing happiness, might just find some joy.  go.  do not follow a bad lead.  the lead should follow.  the lie of not being able to deal.  take the reigns.  millennial magic!  environment of carelessness.  ambition like it's the end of the world, damn fulfillment be damned.  love is left and love is right.  the fix is in, as we know.  the believers know the truth of it all.  how death will come, how sin has infected, how the work has been done.  by the light, the word.  by Another.  humorous, the folly.  but sad too.  leadership cultur...

Like Bones bones, the drummer is the last to decompose. The pops and beats, the bangs and booms. ...the bass is like blood, flowing everywhere. Nutrients to the body, pumped in and out. ...muscle attaches it all, allows for movement. Lead guitar, stretching, twitching, flexing. ...the rhythm is written in the DNA. Genes and elements of life that determine colors. ...words are are just talk waiting for some walk. Holding the vowels, finishing the others. ...made better by electricity vitamins and drinks. Hydration is good for the skin and eyes. ...the ebonies and ivories are the pep talk. A green light, a sign off, a blessing for the road. ...memories are taped forever and always. like archived recordings, moving ahead and on.