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Showing posts from January, 2017

Made To Create

made to create. in the image. make something. love included. the emotions of your life. creeping up like a trader joe. awareness of the glow kind. existing for reasons only. clear priorities and paths. relationships on the side. the old are cured of it. irrational craziness of desire. with its calculations and schemes. hit with a bored board. and blood has been drawn. no wasting is allowed. time is too valuable. and its value increases over time. no one is left with any. it cannot be inherited. it can only be used. start out with a conceptual picture. begin with the end in mind. then create it.


Look, here he comes with his heavy metal songs, its T-Top. Blarring big and loud beaming big and proud, that's T-Top. Got a red 280 Z from the last century, its got T-Tops. Now he has 5 gears turning back the years, he's T-Top. Motor runs just fine still gets off the line, sweet T-Tops. Cats all gather round with their low purrrring sounds, round T-Top. Nice bucket seats with your butt right on the streets, aww T-Top. Its red just like his head some serious 80s cred, its T-Top. Look, there he goes nobody really knows what its like to be T-Top. Sure got a nice ride visions from days gone by, ole T-Top. EAE

All Seasons End

EmAmEmD7 EmAm-D7AmEmx2 the ache just aches.  too much pain to vomit.  dull and escalating.  all has been tried. fits and screams, vulgarities and silence.  nothing will help.  the woe is real.  Such a petty thing. fandom and it's inevitable false hope.  the party ends quick, left with crumbs and dishes.  run around the corner, make a drop.  take the long road to nowhere. through the fog and January rain.  inches matter and instant replay don't lie.  historic pass for 35 yards.  and the kick slipped through. the depression was striking and clear.  this was not the blues, nothing that a tune could cure.  tried it all.  three threes in a row. laid flat on the back.  weight training, hot tub, and 35 huge breaths of menthol-laiden steam.  wore all black.  humor is not funny, anger isn't working. distractions perhaps, TV and glow.  irritable and unpredictable, poor dogs.  Pete D...

Only A Whistle Brings Peace

right there, on the line. dig in, get ready to go. hold steady, don't flinch. look for the clues and know the score. the bandits are winning. they must be defeated with a final smash. the grass will fly, the dirt will spew. a scream begins the pursuit. grunts and groans, cries and moans. fix the eyes and ignore the sounds. do not stop. only a whistle brings peace.

To Strut And Sneer

...the towels have been thrown... only the vain fit in here ...set the bar high... like they were something ...favors can be done... we might let you play later ...keep the words to a minimum... drunk on their equipment ...playing old music... the coolest ever ...Albert King... the young never heard of him ...those are low down blues... like he lived ...only replicas and phoneys... three hours to act like a star strut and sneer...


...not even the great charlie rose can keep john kerry from boring me to death.  never has nothing been accomplished so blandly.  world, america is not that lame...

The Light Lobby

gcgd7 .try the wastelands. .they go on forever. .frozen over time. .melting away. .mudslides coming quick. .these snakes that cling. .the swamp is dry. .down the drain. .the Russians are coming. .they are already here. .some are brothers. .some are sisters. .this is clouding the truth. .think of what's to come. .the transparency of business. .applied to institutions. .the Light lobby. .there is a reason for the sun. .cash gets the cash. .our eyes will see. .already the defense is beginning. .deflect and deny. .diminish and condescend. .collect the dimes. .the dirty double down. .twice the price. .summits need speakers. .with good jokes.

Forever I Said I Do

gEmdgx2 EmAmdgx2 Years ago we had a wedding show. And here is where we are. Glad you stayed, never went away. Never broke my loving heart. Now we see it was meant to be. We're almost to the line. The one you cross when pride is lost. And everything seems fine. Little girls with little curls. They're almost grown up now. Watch em walk, hear em talk. They got it figured out. So they think but they're on the brink. Of really living life. All the flash and all the trash. Learning on the fly. As for us, we'll fight the rust. And swim out to the deep. Better together in any weather. The storms will never sleep. All that night I held you tight. Told you I'd be true. Here we are and I'm true so far. Forever I said I do.


All the senses have been explained.   Only ways to experience anything.  The sixth, rebalancing it all.  Relationships also, feelings inspired by others.   The many forms of love, the tolerance of hate.   Revolution.   Prophetic observations, to pass the time.   Wonderment of the future.   Utopia and all its glory.   The hope of many.   The inconsequentials and quibblers, just playing around.   Excitement and challenges, making notes.   Reminders of declines and nostalgic jamborees. Taking the high road, where the cliffs are steeper and the folks just keep going, never stopping to whine, only to help.   Resting regularly and remembering dreams.   Pocketbooks, tight and twisting.   The blues, hanging around somewhere.   Don't know where now, but they're around.   Walking and wandering unknown places, eating and drinking with the locals.   These par...