The clouds were glowing. Huge and alive. High up in the atmosphere the white clouds rose. The dark ones were only on the edges, the sun reflecting wildly. Floating on my back I could see the whole sky. Shades allowed my eyes to probe. A twisted skeleton, like Richard III. A massive poodle. Then a jet streaked through the blue sky and disappeared into a wall of white. Faces were everywhere, like angels looking down. Rain is always a threat in Texas when summer wants to heat up and the spring is still dense. The Gulf of Mexico storms usually exhaust themselves on the other side of Ft. Worth. The Brazos River provides a natural dividing line between northeast and southwest. Between fast and slow. Between dirt and dust. The whole scene played out in the layered sky. The cool water was clean. The shrimp and grits were savory again last night. This morning, that has all changed. The cl...