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Showing posts from July, 2013


.that electrician gonna make me wait all evening.really want an hour to myself.the meetings and the nonsense.big moments all around.being principled ain't easy.set the bar lower and lower.cultural standards don't matter.they've been eroded and rusted.passing through time while time still matters.wasting away and moaning for is a very small and exponential.uncommon sense is rare indeed.the light girls are was a butt kicker.wish that electrician would show up soon.

Sweethearts Of The Piney Woods

I'll listen to you about your hair and being disrespected.go a half step slower.wait silently for your will come soon.packs of foxes and wolves.sharpen your teeth and shine your skin.glow like the sun.strap that seatbelt on tight.clear the deck.this ride never stops.horrible twists.clicking climbs.breathless drops.turns and more turns.teenage operators anxious to clock out.the night will awaits your life.have a seat around this table.wash down that bread with a huge drank o wine.repeated opportunities to create and love.walk among the saints.Janis was just a sweet port arthur babe.pick up your trash and be polite.get your sleep and stretch your legs.cover the water til it boils.learn to be the intentions.sweethearts of the piney woods.

The Lawyers Won

.no wonder the ice caps in the south are melting.that sun is hot.only a few can have an intellectual debate.we got a country to run.but we gotta run for it first, and always.the desperate and perpetual thinking.took sides long ago.this is a certain kind of party.doctors and lawyers can hardly ever really agree.hardly ever.the lawyers working the is thier profession.skilled and oiled.the doctors, methodical and artist's eye.steady like em when you need love em when you need em.doctors or lawyers.the balance of these professions, and attributes. can lead to effective government.but imbalance creates miserable political conditions.the lawyers won.

Joker's Buggy't trust just anybody.snakes and spiders roam the land.can't break those hearts in two.make way for the plastic man.can't blame the downtrodden.circumstances were wild.can't forget the joker's buggy.needs to arrive in style....(chorus)....and when we run we run to the son with the truth.these are my proclamation boots.he came, he died, he rose for you.....can't leave your satchel bare.obligations and mistakes.can't bring back the gone.they moved across the lake.can't see my future anymore.neon lights blinding and hot.can't search my soul anymore.fight's already been fought...chorus...

Taking Off From Guam

The dawn, earliest light. Sad awakers and jumping jacks. Immediatly a sherbert uprising. Hook em. And clear the line. Likely the vaccum broke. Ingenious. Not much screaming and yelling. Less than I thought. Colombian nick. Ole Joe. Sound system not even working. Cheerios damnit! That child can play that grand piano. All the practicing paying off. The cowboys and the texans squared off. T.I. days. Finally chased that indian girl to Kansas city. Still not tolerating incompetence. Highly involved. Beware Asian pilots. Taking off from Guam can be rough.

Sweet Tea

...this is unexplainable. After a lifetime of drinking unsweet tea, a craving for sweet tea hit me like a pool cue. These things just don't happen. Very rarely anyway. Must have been the furious tennis match in 100 degree Texas heat, the court reflecting and deflecting. The sun was still high and the dense air sunk low. Depleted of common, and necessary, elements. Plauged by poor backhand returns and sweat poring into my glasses. Should've wore contacts. We came to a predictable conclusion and limped home. Knotted calves and genuine fatigue. Maybe that was it. The sweet tea was left by my wife. Surely she would want it, but she left. Back in an hour. This tea would go to waste, I thought. Somehow, and for some reason, I really wanted the tea then and there. I knew it was sweet. I knew I hated sweet tea. Sweet and low is a scar on the world. But then, right then, I didn't care. It went down quick and smooth. The sweetness woke me up and brought me joy. ...


.a permanent record .the digital footprints .guided by celebrity and consumerism .motivated by satisfaction moments .unaware of the future ahead .unconcerned .as we all should be .resting calmly for good reason .truth is a powerful thing .but resting gets old .we think we are needed .no .rest and shine even a dim light .the way for one person .it is worth your life .knowing it will never end .asked how I know .that's the word .deliberate is the pace .eight .eight .eight .work .shake .sleep .gotta balance this ship .raise the anchors .find a drinking hole .order a shot of moonshine .light it on fire and shoot it fast .wake up those insides .clean up your attic son .wash all the windows baby .fire still burning in my gut .mind is full of raw nerve endings .beyond description and explanation .if worthy .if responsible .if compelled .spill it out .tell em twice.

Golder Gold

.the styrofoam coffee cups were stacked high.complimentary for paying folks.move that rubber.grip that road.want the newer ones on back.50 thousand miles of vocational transport.over near the perot ranch.camels and kangaroos.not too many empty suits.but a few.sacrificing for golder gold.never enough buster.there is no such thing.a wicked pursuit.

Between Spur and Jayton

far out in the open spaces, between spur and jayton. we were fully loaded. set the targets so we faced east, the afternoon sun blazing through the brush trees. took off down the cliff and took a drink of the cool creek water. clean and tasty.  the 45 was a cannon. the rifle was pinpoint. some story about shooting up a fridge. gotta clear that chamber. erasing body art and going a hundred between counties. midnight runs and lime beers. neighbor eyes and drive byes. kitchen table recordings and white river lake situations. final run through the canyon floor and the waters most surely will rise. the holy waters of texico. slipped through the mayor's backdoor and caught the last of the sun. screened porch was dark. old men nodding off and wavering. music looping in the background. mix of ray wylie, stones, metallica, and beastie boys. groans when i slid in lucinda, but they came around. she's got that rough voice. a rocker woman.  a woman in control. l...

King Of The Court

         We are all committed. 16 brave tennis warriors will take the court at 8am. July 13th. Eagles Landing Tennis Complex on the grounds of Allen High School. This community united in the pursuit of attaining tennis royalty. Out of this group we will crown a King, we will identify a Prince, we will complete the Royal Court of the Court with the naming of a Duke and an Earl. Arrivals should be punctual and your absence should be communicated quickly. Please bring a can of unopened tennis balls, a healthy supply of water, and perhaps a power bar or two. Look for a registration table. We have courts 1-8 for the historic, and inaugural, event. As you know, we will be utilizing the Isner Scoring Method (ISM). It will all be explained and make perfect sense to everyone quickly. 60 games between 6 different players of different skill levels. A test. We will change the trajectory of this great game in America. Considering the american results ...

Wobbly Tire

we know we are all brothers and sisters. humanity, unified. cling to the traditions that you know. memorize, recount. streaking down the road on a wobbly tire. inevitable, crash. the clean recording is what we're after. isolate, equalize. this withdrawing culture making pacifists. tranquilized, tired. sleeping in the fields between the rows. suffocating, sneezing. dust dusting up behind trucks in the distance.  plowing, sowing. night sky exploding musical celebrations. patriots, glowing.