e a b7 ab7e ae ab7e .look up look up .there's a drone flying by .flown by a clone .we don't even have to die .kamikazee man .working the remote control .no expressions on the clones. .they don't even really know .salute the hackers I guess .ours are better than theirs .best viruses around .go straight to your head .the public is a mess .hypnotized and tranced .don't want to know the truth .don't want to take a stance .its just drones and clones.yea yea yea .drones and clones.the brave are dead .over there over there .its the man driving by .everybody knows .he's got tears in his eyes .likes the lofty titles .likes the free jet air .loves hanging with his daughters .likes not giving a care .peaceful men they know .women and the like .we're all left to wonder .while the drones rule the night .its just drones and clones.yea yea yea .drones and clones.the brave are dead