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Texico (Draft): The Race for Harmony

     Writing Texico will require, almost demand in some cases, focused attention to several social, political, and economic issues. Some important, but lesser, issues can be implied. However, there are many that must be confronted and the characters must be tied directly to the ideas, the evolutions, and the outcomes of many critical issues. Among these are governing laws and guiding documents, the most prominent being the Texico Papers. L. Dean and Elias T. Woods were the primary writers of the document that changed the future of America, Texas, and Mexico and, in part, led to the formation of Texico. Other issues include race or, better described, the consolidation of race, crime (especially in the southern part of Texico, the former Mexico), energy policy, sports, higher education, military, prison, and religion.

     America, perhaps doomed from the start, is paralyzed by race. Through race equality everything is filtered, without exception. This filter includes laws, politics, guilt, business marketing, shame, and media. Asian-American, African-American, Mexican-American, Female-Americans, and Muslim-American. Two of these American sets given a continent, one a country, one a gender, and one a faith. If one was a Dane originally, he would be referred to as an American from Denmark. Or if a Canadian man, he might still be called a Canadian, regardless. If that Canadian were female or black, Canadian would not work and the gender or race would be disclosed. The Australian gets the rugged Aussie label; Indians (or still Native-American to some) boldly, and controversially, demanded the removal of the hyphenated label which led to the awkward Indian Native label if you were actually from India. In fact, by 2040 these groups had largely geographically segregated themselves into definable regions in America. This obsession with race had impacted America in many ways. Coalitions were forged between race groups depending on mutually shared benefits. Especially economic and political. Through the years, America had suffered several bloody race wars. The 2026 Asian-American/Mexican-American war ended after a month of bloody battles, eco-poisoning, and other brutal tactics. Ten thousand were left dead and the Asian-Americans finally declared victory after the Mexican-Americans retreated from San Francisco and contentedly remained settled in Southern California and the southwest desert regions of America. The nuclear agreement the Asian-Americans struck with China and promised radioactive destruction of San Diego ended the terrible war. Of course, other countries exploited and encouraged the racial strife in America. Largely, America in 2040 resembled the USSR in 1990. A historically great superpower ready to crack in a world full of superpowers. Bitterness, entitlement, and self-occupation destroying the once-great unity. Compared with the previous century, America was just holding on. Texico was the opposite. Harmony among races, religions, genders, and classes seemed prevalent. The Texico Papers and the political will (and mandate) to protect the truth kept cultural rivalries and resentments to a minimum. Pure capitalism and a servant's mentality were primary goals shared by all Texicans. Culturally, Texico thrived due to the thick skin of the people, appreciation of diversity, and lessons learned from the American mistakes. One unifying and descriptive label was used --Texican.

     L. Dean is white ( if there is such a thing). European-Nordic-Saxon-Danish-Irish-Canadian-Irish (black) all in his blood. Probably his ancestors were part of the Great Heathen Army that battled the Franks a millenia ago. All the way back to Adam and the sweet mother of all, Eve. The raceless family. Annabelle, an adopted daughter of northern Europe. J.T. Barnes is from the Ozarks originally, Elias T. Woods came from Texans that fought, and died, at the Alamo, Travis B. Whitney is black (if there is such a thing), Maggie Graham is a burning red head obviously descended from Ireland, Fran Del Rosario Vinales has stubborn Latin blood, and Mitch Parrish was born an east-coast American blue-blood. Differences between the characters will be openly acknowledged and openly ignored. Inspired by truth, all Texicans are respected and protected as humans and prosper (or not) due to actions and results.



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