Ungratefulness is predominant, even Thomas Jefferson can't catch a break. America was an illusion of an idea all along, unless our charity is needed, or our blood, or our smarts, or our music. All that was real, it was glorious and tangible. And now we have arrived at now, and now we have a problem. We got no fight. Despite the marches, despite the flags, despite the bullhorns. That ain't fighting. Flimsy patriotism and common greed, equity obsession and resentment, moron inclusion and IQ diversity. Dumb it down. Just do it, where's the beef, 7-11 is making a big comeback. Make it all up, Jefferson did, but he was looking into the future, he manifested, he knew destiny. These ungrateful, dim, depressing, do-nothings. They are in control now. Inevitably, the meek inherit what they do not deserve. And, also inevitably, the brave wake and take it back.