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Showing posts from September, 2016


A perfectly comfortable day. If you are motivated by relaxation. A chance to gain knowledge. If you enjoy thinking. A musical time of your life. If fun is your thing. A thousand cliffs to climb. If you need the rush. A brand new European car. If you want some prestige. A moment of celebration. If the bell is rang. A challenge to guide them through. If we need find our way out of a cave. A spotlight and a microphone. If you are an american idol. A corner office in the C suite. If that's who you want to be. A moonlight candle lit dinner for two. If love is in the air. A tape recorder and tablet. If documentation is required. A lifestyle of adjusting routines. If energy is to be maintained. gcdg gcdd7

The Greaser Middle

The talkers talked last night. Talked about the elimination of class. The understanding that few things are more important than posture. Much is written as opinions are formed.  More is written before opinions are formed.  No opinions changed.  A discussion of woe.  Why we must change instead of what change will harvest. The liquidation of the greaser middle.  The slick profession.  Where the lube is heavy indeed.  Where the rippers and cheaters live.  The back room and its smoke.  Deals cut.  The art of it all.  Only a few get in.  Almost impossible to get out. A collection of the people will decide.  The machines must be monitored.  Glitches, hacks, and hackers all around.  Our underbelly no longer invisible.  Our system crumbled in an awful mess.  Moving parts will freeze up, lock up, and rust up, pouting and screeching. Truth just lingers.  The Truth predicted.  Truth is vindic...

Double Fault Worries

     Elevated almost.  Like a new man.  A new tennis man.  Old burdens gone.  The knowledge of futility is eliminated.  It is no longer true.  An ascension to a higher tennis plane.  Planned long ago, a better game developed.  Intentional and deliberate, recurring and recurring.  Overcoming breaks and strains.  Catching breaths and hydrating constantly.  The pace is important.  Anxious hurries and double fault worries are fatal.  Incredible the interior games within the match.  Nerves lit and sweat pouring into pools.  The heat and the winds drying it quickly.  Too much tennis charity from my opponent.  Too many mistakes.  Comebacks and advantages.  No cross court power today.  Unusual.  Standing back unleashes the pop.  The pronation gives the serve another look.  From the top of the swing, after the butt muscles have launched and as the shoulder turn has s...


We wanna meet a girl named Sylvia. A true honey, tears of joy will flood. More evidence of God's graceful love. Sylvia, come take our hearts. Don't let the crying worry you much. It's their nature to whine and fuss. Like puppies bark and kittens purr. Sylvia, come sing your part. Bless this sweet family you've made. Erwin Park where a sitar played. Nature was on full display. Sylvia, you're a shooting star. Sometime not too far from now. Sylvia growing strong and proud. Not inclined to follow the crowd. Sylvia, oh Sylvia. GGCGx3 GDGG

Wail On Loud

...the heart can only beat for a time. sputters and clogs eventually. ...but it pumps and pumps til then. up the city with electricity. ...letting the speakers wail on loud. ...creating tears of joy and pain. ...breaking and healing over and over. ...scar tissue remaining as reminders. ...memories long and unforgiving. ...minds unreliable and inexact. ...comforts and security of home. ...escaping the social mediums. ...fear of associations and weakness. ...untrusting of instincts and eyes. ...the truth is not in us.


Idling, just idling. Right up on the line. Bout to bust, but give it time. Idling, just idling. Wondering, just wondering. What to do or say. Find the two best takeaways. Wondering, just wondering. Idling, just idling. Right up on the line. Bout to bust, but give it time. Idling, just idling.

Comes The Morning

...bring the flowers. ...they light the room. ...turn the key lock. ...howl at the moon. ...tell me your story. i will know. ...what makes you shine. ...what makes you glow. All we need is a littte time. Ditch the worries, clear our minds. Let the fools keep on earning their way. Rest with the blessed and wait for the day. ...comes the morning. ...there we are. ...another day love. ...give you my heart. ...through the darkness. ...lights our roads. ...floating through the air. ...out of our control. GD CGx2 DC GDCG

Texico And The Rearrangement

...take your stand.  when the microphone is running.  all the complaints of the age.  this hard, hard life. nationalism and the place of your birth.  a permanent mark, identifying a nature.  further descriptions are made.  cultures within cultures.  rivalries and grudges persist for no reason at all.  accents and the unknown.  extend the hand of love.  learn the nuances and insinuations.  listen to the talk of the young.  the disgust they feel.  from the pettiness of our leaders.  the greed and untrustworthiness.  small minds of  insiders.  puffed up like cotton candy.  oily hands, rotting souls.  if I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me?  cause I'm as free as a bird now, and this bird you cannot change.  the flag is flying still.  through the hatred, through the ignorance, through the weak.  come and take it.  surrendering is impossible to the minds of t...

Tupps Local Night Set List

*stevie wonder show. *conditioning machines. *we're a happy family. (ramones) *off to laramie. *two tone ride. *dead flowers. (stones) *sweet ole time. *heaven is badass. *peaceful easy feeling. (eagles) *one rung at a time. *melody confusion. *batman. (bob schneider) *just before the thinking starts.