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Showing posts from November, 2010

The Texico National Anthem

decended from the ancient mardyrs, one by one they took the last breath in their lungs lungs were needed for words and they had said them all. we stand as texicans together all along without measure our love for our God the communion of saints and resurrection songs can be heard in the western winds the ghosts of the holy promises He gave sing all the time. we stand as texicans together all along without measure Our love for our God to live forever near the carribean sea, watching morning turn into night, never an afternoon the evening light is red in texico. we stand as texicans together all along without measure our love for our God amgdam2 eam3 dgam

Texico (Draft): The Fightin'

          The story of how Texas tore itself away from the United States in the birthing days of Texico is the tale of calling bluffs and deadly force. In the teens, and earlier, a bloody war raged south of the U.S. border between Mexican police and armies and the organized crime organizations that truly ruled the country. Hundreds of thousands of people died, many in gruesome and cruel executions. Many in Islamic terrorist-styled suicide attacks. The gutless warriors. Texas, at that time a state of the U.S., was stirred by ancient obligation to intervene, but seemed the lone troubadour of the Mexicans. Unable to let the massacre continue, and despite official condemnations, declarations, and protestations of the rest of the country, the Texans eventually raised an army of over 100,000 though the Texas Ranger's charter to partner with Mexico and crush the drug pushers. Texas, always fertile ground for lawyerly brilliance, took the matter to ...

Don't Got Plans Of Making It In Nashville

i won't mind if you see right through me i'm confined to a life of transparency open the blinds in your mind and hear me you can look right through me you can look right through me gather 'round the table if your able among the sounds of people that are grateful at sundown, "gotta go see ya later." i remember not everyone was able i remember not everyone was able now understand, this band don't play for cash low down man who knows he's been blessed check His hands, they got smashed in the crash don't got plans of making it in nashville don't got plans of making it in nashville on that note, let's keep on writing texico, start talking 'bout the fighting you never know, if anyone'll like it might as well keep on writing might as well keep on writing cg

Anatomy of a Roddick

     As mentioned previously and explained sufficiently, a roddick is the term used in the Isner Scoring Method (ISM) for the need to postpone or cancel a prescheduled match. For any reason--injury, conflict, weather even. Last week's mahut ended 2-8 in Keck's favor to take it to 45-15 after six mahuts of the third match to be played by the ISM. J. Vita had recently lost his first Isner match, the second ever, to the same Mr. Keck by a score of 70-35, less worse than my previous defeat to Keck in the first ever Isner Match. During the 2-8 mahut, as I was rushing to the net after a first serve, I felt the plantar fascia pop a little. According to Wikipedia, The plantar fascia is a thick fibrous band of connective tissue originating on the bottom surface of the calcareous (heel bone) and extending along the sole of the foot towards the five toes. I surely felt it but at the time I was getting mouletted 0-7 by Keck and I was more concerned with avoiding the humiliation...

Cold Meat Blues

cgfc pillowlike and greasy when i touched the bird had woken me early with smells I've heard fc thighs were soaking with the wings lifted up  gcfc white meat was tender and warm when touched fc pulled the blade accross the neck sliced a piece for myself came apart like a house of cards gfc threw the scraps out in the yard yeah, i threw the scraps out in the yard yeah, i threw the scraps out in the yard the bird's now sitting without no bones just before he went he was thinking of home got the cold meat blues like i never knew help me Lord, help me Lord, got the cold meat blues    


always wished on my wish list to be with you all my earthly days. too bad we sometimes miss just a little of this. it's a shame, we really shouldn't waste a day. you know it don't end on sunday. that's the day he tells us the path to take. never knew what could happen to you in a life of desires and mistakes. felt the burning urges, always surging. takes my mind away. i always fall on saturday. take the easy way babe, you always look at me that way. you cut your lip, let it slip, the grip of it's awful sway. fall time after time, like you're dying. the trip that ends in some dirty old grave. friday must give us life, click off the light, tell me no lies, just tell me it will always be this way. you know it don't end on sunday. that's the day he tells us the path to take. you know it don't end on sunday. that's the day he tells us the path to take. ea ea b7ae eharp